On 16th of July was held a meeting, in Athens, between the Metal Workers Trade Union of Cyprus (SEMMHK) and the Metalworkers Trade Union of Attica, Greece (which is member of PAME). Goal of the meeting was to exchange information, experiences and the possibilities for common actions, especially in the projects that take place in Cyprus by Greek and Cyprus owned companies, where there is a great number of metalworkers from Greece.
The two organizations denounced the policy of the European Union and the anti-people’s governments who give the ability to the multinationals to exploit brutally the workers, to undermine the Collective Contracts and use different standards between local and foreign workers. They also denounced the destructive consequences to the trade union movement, especially in Greece, of the influence and the undermining tactics of the employers’ trade unionism.
Against this situation the trade union organizations agreed that only solution can be the strengthening of coordination, exchange of information, of solidarity and unified action of the class trade unions internationally. The strengthening of the TUI Metal-Mining of the WFTU, which this year celebrates its 70 Year Anniversary.
In this direction, was agreed a series of common actions (campaigns, statements, exchange of visits etc) for the better possible trade union organization of the Greek Metalworkers in Cyprus and defending their of their rights. Main issue is to inform the Greek workers of the Collective Contract that is in effect in the sector, in Cyprus and its implementation for all workers.
The Metalworkers Trade Union of Attica, Greece will support the initiatives of SEMMHK and will move on an information campaign to the Greek Metalworkers.
The SEMMHK will take up the responsibility to strengthen its efforts to organize and protect all the workers in the Metal Industries of Cyprus, implementing the Collective Contract without any discrimination, irrespective of country, religion or race.
Our common enemies are
The multinationals, Imperialism, Racism,
Xenophobia and Exploitation of Workers
We respond with Organization-Solidarity-Action
We respond by Strengthening Internationalism
Strengthening the World Federation of Trade Unions
We call all colleagues who work, or are going to work in Cyprus to contact with our organizations, so as to organize our common action.
No Worker Alone