Demonstration July 3rd at the Headquarters of the Industrialists’ Union. Stop The Terrorism of the Government and the Employers

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Demonstration July 3rd at the Headquarters of the Industrialists’ Union


Stop The Terrorism of the Government and the Employers



Invalidate Blackmails and Terrorism


Invalidate the Memoranda and the Anti Workers’ Laws

 Enough blood we have shed! Enough we have paid! We do not step back! We do not give away for free our work and our wages!

Day by day more businesses announce to the workers compulsory leaves, casual work, cancelation of wage payments, while terrorism and blackmails, threats of lay offs escalate.

The business groups use the atmosphere of fear and the blackmailing arguments of both the Greek Government and the European Union-IMF-ECB, so as to advance their attack against the workers. The developments confirm the position that the workers and their families are always the victims of the antilabour policy and the competitions between monopoly groups.

We call the trade Unions to be continuously on the side of the workers and take up militant initiatives for the protection of the workers’ rights. No Worker alone!

We call the workers to respond in organized, militant and massive way to this new attack of the employers. Not to submit, not to accept working for free or lock outs. No lay offs.

 We demand


  • Ensure payment in their entirety, the wages of the workers, the unemployment allowance for the unemployed, the pensions. Right Here and Right Now!

  • No lay offs or compulsory unpaid leave for workers on the pretext of the closure of banks.

Attica Secretariat of PAME







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