For the joint statement Tsipras-Juncker

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The joint statement of Tsipras-Juncker on labor and social insurance and the estimation of its content as “a sample progress means that they are closer in reaching new anti-popular anti-labor measures. The Joint statement is a warning of a new agreement-butcher for the people, of a new “memorandum”.

 As the “Troika” was baptized “institutions” so is the massacre of the remaining labor-popular rights in labor relations and social insurance is baptized “modern and effective system of collective bargaining” and “modernization of the pension system”.

 No one must be fooled! In the joint statement, they announced the new onslaught which will follow up on the laws that massacred the labor-social insurance rights the previous years. It turns out that in reality the government’s bravado for supposedly red lines, are big words!

 The new benefits that will be given to the business groups, so as to protect and multiply their profits, only mean consolidating and strengthening the anti-labor framework.

 The “social dialogues” taking place this period, aim on the one hand to mislead the workers and win people’s consent for the new measures and memorandums, and on the other hand to win time so as the government and the big capital to move on -without obstacles and workers’ struggles-to the signing of the new agreement.

 We must not allow it! We must respond to European Union-IMF-Greek Government, to the big capital and the new governmental and employers’ trade unionism.

 Now is the time to make our voices heard loud and militant! With massive, fighting respond to stop this “trade” of terror that succeeds the “trading” of hope! In the last 5 years, by using the exact same arguments they have bankrupted the people!

 Only the workers-peoples’ struggles, with massiveness and duration, with priority in the sectors and the workplaces, can block the attack.

 We call the working class, the trade union organizations to reach fighting decisions, not to accept the new agreement-memorandum, no matter how it will be called.


Struggle Rupture Overthrow

Our Path without poverty-unemployement-memoranda!


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