PAME denounces the new governmental trade unionism of SYRIZA, who does not hesitate at nothing in order to gain a few votes, not even in an alliance with the Nazi, criminal Golden Dawn.
While in the workplaces the layoffs and wage-cuts continue with the new government and while the class trade union movement struggles to organize workers against the new anti-people agreement signed by the Government of SYRIZA with the European Union, at the same time the forces of SYRIZA in the trade unions, are trying to show that they are gaining support by the workers and for this reason they even ally with the fascists of Golden Dawn.
Specifically, in the Congress of the Federation Of Workers in Ports (OMYLE) the forces of SYRIZA made an alliance and formed a common ballot with the head of the Golden Dawn at the Port of Piraeus.
That is in the same place where the class trade unions, the forces of PAME that fight against the employers and have become the target of murderous attacks by the henchmen of the ship-owners, there is where the forces of SYRIZA became “friends” with the Nazis, murderers of the Golden Dawn.
As the forces of PAME in the sector said “The trade union faction of SYRIZA is so eager to take on the role of the new governmental and employers’ trade unionism that does not hesitate to ally even with Golden Dawn. This proves their opportunism and their anxiety to serve the current government policy, which, like the previous one, serves the European Union’s strategy, advancing privatization of ports and all the country’s infrastructure and aims to the profitability of the monopoly groups” .
This fact adds to the statements of the Speaker of the Greek Parliament, of SYRIZA, calling for the release from prison of the Golden Dawn MPs!
The Golden Dawn is fascist, criminal organization with the objective of attacking and terrorizing the workers-peoples’ movement, so as to serve the capitalists and the monopolies.
The class trade union movement of Greece can not be terrorised, but responds with open, massive organisation of the working class to the employers’ and fascist terrorism. However, the developments show that fight against fascism, also means and intensification of the struggle against the employers and governmental trade unionism.