NOW to overturn the new onslaught against social security!
On Thursday, December 4th, all the trade unions and workers to organise protests to government buildings.
On Friday, December 5th, nationwide information campaign to cover all sectors, all workplaces! Not even one worker uninformed
On Sunday, December 7th ALL in the rallies OF PAME in all cities! In Athens the demonstration will be at 5.30pm at Omonia!
The Government and the EU devour whatever workers and pensioners’ right was left of Social Security so as to support the capitalists on private healthcare, to boost the profits of the monopolies. This is the growth they speak of. The changes they are preparing will be extremely painful for the workers, of both the private and the public sector, affecting women, young couples, pensioners. The measures affect everyone, they do not exclude anyone.
Every trade union, every pensioners’ union organization, every woman’s association, every youth’s organisation must mobilise, take its responsibility and its place in the struggle.
With our struggles we can stop them!
Do not allow the slaughter of our rights!
Their measures are
New cuts in pensions
Raising retirement age limits
Healthcare and security of the workers will depend on the profits of the private insurance companies
Raise of VAT
New wage cuts in the public sector
Insurance companies are rubbing their hands with delight!
The constant cuts in pensions and the deeply reactionary Healthcare Act of 2010, which comes into effect at the beginning of 2015, do not suffice for them. They continuously legislate new measures to exempt the state and the big capital from their responsibilities in insurance and healthcare. They want pensions and healthcare to rely almost exclusively on workers’ contributions, so as to gradually rid the big capital and the state from their responsibilities.
They seek to make healthcare a private matter, the workers to become customers of the insurance companies, and live at the mercy of their profitability.
Enough! No more! We must not allow this!
Do not give away the gains we won through struggles and blood!
PAME calls on the working class and its trade unions, women, youth, pensioners to respond against the plans of the government, the EU and the big capital.
• Do not allow to demolish which insurance right is left.
• Do not allow our pension rights to be delivered into the clutches of private insurance companies.
• Do not allow the discharge of employers’ and governmental insurance contributions.
• Do not allow other anti labour measures. Cancellation of all the antilabour laws of the memoranda.
Those measures undermine further the future of young workers and will establish extreme exploitation till old age.
Whether these measures will be imposed or not depends on us!
Whether will we accept the butchering of our rights so as to save the profits of the monopolies, or will we demand the life we deserve!
No one is allowed to wait being butchered
We do not bow to the demands of the government, the monopolies and the EU
We will not surrender our right in decent living!
We must block the plans to abolish social security
We fight for a social security system that will protect the worker, will provide decent, quality life through his working life, with free and high quality services of Healthcare
We can stop them!
Prepare for a new General Strike