The ETUC, which is the puppet of the EU and the monopolies in the trade unions, the ETUC that claims to be the “representative of the workers of Europe” issued a press release where it advices the EU on the Investment Plan of the European Commission.
Where the ETUC proposes the EU to give money to? For better salaries? For the millions of the unemployed in Europe? For Free, better, Public Healthcare and Education for the workers and their children? Of course not!
The ETUC “urges the European Parliament and Council to adopt the Commission’s investment plan and to increase its ambition and budget.” That is to give the money of the European people directly to the monopolies and more specifically they propose:
Energy infrastructure – 200 billion € over 10 years
Communications technology – a €300 million per year investment
Green infrastructures
The ETUC goes even further than the European Commission and asks for more money for the multinationals. This position is a provocation for the millions of the unemployed in Europe, for millions of workers who live in poverty and misery.
The ETUC tries to justify this position with the argument that these investments will create jobs. However the workers know that “to keep Europe’s competitiveness” the majority of any jobs created will be without the rights and the salaries that were before. The workers of Europe know that wherever the working class accepted the argument of competitiveness, of capitalist growth, the workers surrender their rights and the layoffs, the flexible working relations and unemployment grew substantially. The class oriented trade union movement must give response to such proposals. The workers of Europe paid a very high price for the crisis of capitalism. They must not accept any sacrifices of the capitalist growth.
Denounce the trade unionists of Brussels!
Athens, 2.12.14