Workers, unemployed, young men and women
Stronger, more decisive, even more massive to continue the fight. To raise higher the banner of struggle, of resistance, of workers’ demands.
All of us who decided, participated and organized the great National Rally of November 1st, the over 1000 trade unions and popular associations, we take great responsibility. We take the responsibility to strengthen our action, to organize the struggle in every industry and workplace for the success of the strike of November 27.
We have the duty to respond directly and militantly to the conditions of slavery, to break the inaction of the employers’ and governmental trade unionism, which undermines and the strike. We respond to the inaction, with mass participation in every city, in every industry and workplace.
A new, Europe-wide anti-worker attack is coming!
They want us in permanent misery. In chains!
The General National Strike on November 27, IS CONTINUATION AND ESCALATION of the struggle against the war that our government, the European Union and the monopolies have declared. They prepare new attacks against labor, insurance and trade union rights of the workers and the people in general. They escalate the attack on the working class, the self-employed, the farmers, the young people and the unemployed, the pensioners and the women.
The industrialists, the shipowners, require new changes on labor and social security rights. They have prepared new form for the trade union laws. Their goal is to silence the voices in the workplaces. They want to block any workers’ demand, any trade union activity and the right to strike.
This is how they plan to exit from the crisis. This is the recovery they expect and prepare. This is the plan for all European countries.
The trap is set!
We must not be unprepared.
If we do not respond in force, even worse will come! The looting of peoples’ income, the abolishing of labor relations is not enough for them! They test our strength and they provoke us.
They prepare new cuts in pensions, and they openly debate about connecting healthcare to the number of insurance days for each employee. That means that the vast majority of the working people and the unemployed will be entitled to one gauze and one painkiller.
No worker to become strikebreaker
Thicken the lines of struggle. Join our trade unions, and militantly express our indignation and our rage. No tolerance, do not “sell” our hope. Do not surrender our weapons; do not lower the bar for our lives. Do not accept survival with crumbs for the workers, so as to feed the bellies of bosses.
There is no way out of the crisis that serves both the people and the monopolies!
The growth and the recovery that they seek is not for everyone. On the one hand they protect and ensure the profitability of large business groups and on the other they sow poverty, misery, salaries of 200-300€, precarious work and underpaid work programs, flexible working relations and the expensive healthcare, social security and education for the vast majority the working people.
Development for the people and not for the profits of the monopolies
Either with the Capital or with the workers!
There is no other choice!
Either we will bend the head and accept modern slavery, so as the monopolies can save and multiply their profits, or we will respond with new struggles to overthrow the brutal anti-people policies. Either we will fight at every level or we will pay a very high cost for this tolerance.
We must raise a wall against the arguments that support our eternal slavery!
Those who give priority on the profitability of the monopolies and speak about “healthy competition” and a supposedly “fair tax policy”, are condemning the people in living with crumbs.
Those who go into negotiations about the debt, they acknowledge it, and thus, they further tighten the noose on the neck of the working people.
We paid enough for the capitalist profitability, the crisis and the debt. We paid enough for our country to join the EU! The Debt was not created by the workers but by the anti-people policy that serves the profitability and the competitiveness of capital.
Those who do not open war against the EU and its policies, they support with all means economic competitiveness, the attacks on workers’ rights throughout Europe. The EU is a creation and a supporter of the capital and promotes these policies at the expense of the people.
If the views that sanctify and give alibi to this exploitative system are not defeated, workers will always be in chains and poverty will be spreading everywhere. For no reason and with no excuse should we accept the new brutal, anti workers measures.
Strengthen the struggles and the working class response!
Everyone in the battle for the success of the strike!
No tolerance, no consensus, no delay!
The working people must answer with fight at the anti-workers plans, to block the extortion and terrorism. To develop everywhere resistance, struggles and repel the barbaric anti-people policy. To strengthen the struggle within the workplaces, to strengthen the wave of disobedience to this policy. To refuse the policies that condemns us to poverty, unemployment and exploitation. Workers, self-employed, youth, poor farmers to strengthen their struggles and their alliance, claiming the life they are entitled.
National General Strike on November 27