Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia offers its expression of the deepest solidarity , empathy and support to the 24 steelworkers

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Dear friends and comrades,

Everyday´s reality of current capitalism confirms that, amidst of this unfair social order to be based on the man-by-man exploitation, it is impossible to rely on temporary concessions, consoling ourselves by social illusions. Our Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia offers its expression of the deepest solidarity, empathy and support to the 24 steelworkers, to be unjustly sentenced by the capitalist justice.  

Again, it has been confirmed, that the bourgeoisie as well as its power tools stick to the violence in explosive situations, with no restraint in using any ways to maintain their rule and both economical and political influences. The capitalist society is composed of the classes. It is just the bourgeoisie as the class, who doesn´t hesitate to use its tolls of the class struggle whenever. When the working class or another employees use these tools, they are persecuted for. That´s why there is a deep sense to continue in our class-orientated trade union movement´s work.

Just for this reason, the Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia sharply protests against the processing of Greek Justice, against this unjust sentencing of the steelworkers who have committed nothing but demanding their basic social rights. That´s why we express our deepest solidarity to your steelworkers, to all your sentenced workers as well as to the PAME in your fair struggle.

Warmest fraternal greetings,  

                                                                                                         Stanislav G r o s p i


                                                                                                     OSČMS Chairman

In Prague, April 25, 2014



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