Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) express their solidarity support to the heroic struggle of steelworkers in Greece and appreciated the determination, strength, unity, pride, against employers, the state and its apparatuses, revealing the inhuman face and the decay of the exploitative system.
Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian Founder/Secretary General,Mrs Atia Saleem and Mr Asaf F Vardag President Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) demanded the Government to with draw the decision of 23rd Month Sentenced and release all innocent workers because this is the violation of ILO Conventions and UN Fundamental Rights of Workers They said that The bourgeois state sentenced steelworkers in order to condemn their heroic strike, their militant example, their working class solidarity.
(Haji Muhammad saeed Arian)
Founder/Secretary General
Founder/Secretary General
Pakistan labour Federation (PLF)
Affiliated with
World Federation of Trade Unions(WFTU)