All in the demonstration of PAME like one fist! JULY 11, AT 20.00, SYNTAGMA Sq.

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Fellow workers, unemployed, dismissed people, youth

All in the demonstration of PAME like one fist!




 You must not listen to the lies of the industrialists, the bankers, their government and of their people for the “development”. They create this development over the ruins of our rights. They will not starve, they will not see their houses being confiscated, and they will not find themselves unemployed. They live in incredible wealth and luxury and they bring new wave of barbarism in the lives of workers.


The government of N.D. (conservatives) – PASOK (social democrats), the E.U. and the IMF bring in the midsummer a new bill for the implementation of the antipopular policy in favor of the big business.


  • They discuss the new measures primarily aiming at giving a new hit in the sectoral wages, benefits, pensions in order to be reduced at the level of the minimum wage and the minimum wage to be further reduced.

  • They discuss and promote the abolition of the five days working week, the flexible 10-hour working day, the full implementation of the flexibility in the working time and the abolition of overtime payment.

  • They discuss to release dismissals so that massive dismissals to be allowed, further reduction, to elimination of compensations!

  • They discuss the abolition of the Sunday as a day off!

  • They prepare new chains for the trade union activity, new laws so that the employers will terrorize through lockout, i.e. to dismiss the strikers without compensation, removing the right to strike. They prepare new legislation that will prevent even the decision to strike.


All these show not their power and their superiority, but their fear. They advertise to the notorious “investors” that the workers that will work for them will not only be cheap, but they will also be enchained and gagged. This is what they mean when they say “favorable investment environment”. This is what the new Greece of the coalition government means, new Manolada  sweat shops for the working class and its children.


The bill comes to promote thousands of dismissals of public employees in education, in Municipalities and to legalize the planning for the closure of hospitals, health centers, schools, day nurseries.

 The pensions and the basic medical care are in imminent danger of new cuts. At the same time that they reduce the electricity price to the industrialists and give them new tax-exemptions and money through several programs, they attack the workers through new taxes and house confiscations for a pittance.

 Dear colleagues,

 Through our demonstration we send the message of organization, preparation, solidarity, class-oriented response.

 They rely on fatalism that they themselves create. You must not listen to the parrots of the big employers. They are well paid for their dirty work.

 They rely on the parties of the E.U. that terrorize with false dilemmas. They rely on the treasonous leaderships of the trade unions who signed the butchering of wages, the abolition of collective contracts by ministerial decree.

 But we are the vast majority who suffer and we have not said our last word yet. We break the fear; we are preparing ourselves for the overthrow of the antipopular policy and of the antipopular – antilabor laws.


  • Job for all.

  • Day wages, salaries and pensions based on our own needs. No to the demolition of the Collective Labor Contracts.

  • Stable working time of 5days per week – 7 hours per day – 35 hours per week, with the abolition of the flexible forms of employment. No to the abolition of the Sunday as a day off.

  • Down with the taxes.

  • Disengagement from the E.U.

  • Development for the people and not for the profitability of the business groups.




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