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Working men and women, unemployed, young people,


The federations, the trade union organizations, the regional trade union centers and the hundreds of men and women who are trade unionists rallied to PAME, address a call to all the trade unions, to all the workers for a coordinated struggle, for the defense of the collective labor contracts now, before it is too late! We must reject their butchering.

We call you in the demonstrations of PAME on May 23, in every city

In Athens at Omonoia sq., 7p.m.




 The struggle for the collective contract concerns all workers, unemployed, young men and women.

 We pay very expensive the crisis in order for the profits of the capital to be saved. They now want us to pay through new sacrifices and blood for the recovery of their profitability. They demand the abolition of the National General Collective Contract, i.e. the basic day-wage and salary to be set by law according to the employers’ claims.


They seek the abolition of the sectoral collective contracts, and their replacement by individual and business contracts. I.e. the workers in every sector to loose the protection net imposed by the sectoral collective contract, to become prey to the moods of the big employers. Simultaneously, the employers will get rid of the pressure of the organized struggle and the activity of the trade unions, since they will be able to negotiate individually with the worker, putting as a limit the basic day-wage that the government legislatively sets.


With the pretext of unemployment, they seek the butchering of the day-wage, looking forward to the new shifts of workers, that they want them to be underpaid without rights.


That is why they attack the collective contracts, the collective bargaining. They are trying to put a brake to the demands, to the struggles for better wages, for the improvement of our living conditions.


They do not consider our needs. The attitude of the industrialists is provocative. In the recent meeting for the signing of the National General Collective Contract they came with the air of the exploiter, of the modern tyrant.


They required from us to learn to live with 500 euros, to work as many hours as they need per day, without full-time and permanent job. They blackmail, threaten and vulgarly provoke saying that “the workers are not concerned with the wage that they will take, but only if they will have a job”. They want us to work for crumbs, without any right, modern “miserables” to look for a way out in the programs of the OAED (Manpower Employment Organization).


Here and now must become a universal demand of workers the signing of the National General Collective Contract and of the sectoral contracts with decent wages and rights based on our needs. Re-establishment of the minimum wage at 751 euros for all, without discriminations based on age, as a basis for discussion and negotiation for raises.


If we will not stop them, the modern slavery will become reality!


The working people must give their response.


The leadership of the GSEE (governmental and employers’ trade unionism in private sector) with its statement that “the arguments of the employers for their refusal to sign the National General Collective Contract are legal and reasonable” acquits the employers and hides that the troika and the government are the voice of the employers. It is on the opposite side. It has given up from any struggle.


The development that they dream of is stained with blood from the butchering of our rights, the misery of the people. The plan to abolish the collective contracts, the benefits, the right for vacation time, the reductions in wages and pensions, the dismissals without compensations, the programs of providing young people and unemployed to work for free are the fuel for the large monopoly groups to increase their profits.


They want us all being paid with 300 and 400 euros!


In order to face unemployment they suggest programs with even lower day-wages and salaries, with 19.6 euros per day and a salary not more than 490 euros per month for workers aged 25 years and over and 17.1 euros per day and a salary not more than 427 euros per month for workers aged under 25 years.


No one should be left alone.


We are the majority, who suffers. We have the right to live with decent wages. We have the power to impose our right!


Rally with PAME. Join our trade unions.


We call the working class not to abandon their rights. Not to give up the stable forms of employment, the Collective Labor Contracts. We call them to take the case of their life, of their future into their own hands in order for them not to live in conditions of modern slavery.


We call them to strengthen their organization in every workplace. To change the correlations. To throw away the governmental and employers’ trade unionism and its strategy in the trade union movement and all of them who supposedly talk about unity and at the same time bend their head in front of the bosses. We call them to build their unity in solid bases aiming at changing the course of the development until the overthrow of the capitalist brutality. Such a unity we need. Class-oriented!




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