Immigrant agricultural workers from Bangladesh and from other countries are facing the profound class exploitation every day. They work for months unpaid, forced to be essentially thrown in unhealthy – extremely dangerous plastic accommodation, in the fields, next to animal huts.
They are trying to survive, to demand their wages, their daily labor. The response of employers was to murderous attack them. They continue the exploitation and the exclusion from the right to work of those immigrants who dare to demand the payment of their wages.
PAME, once again expressed the class solidarity with the agricultural workers of Manolada in practice, with the presence of the WFTU.
The food that it carried, which exceeded the1.5 ton, is just a sample of the intervention of the class-oriented forces in the everyday problems of survival and towards the need for organization, assertion and resistance against the system and the mechanisms that gain great profits by the exploitation of the workers in Greece, in Europe, in Bangladesh and around the world.
Our slogans
“All for one and one for all”
“We will not become slaves of the 21st century”
“Greek and immigrant workers United”
gave strength to the agricultural workers who are now determined to struggle in an organized way.
The blackmail activity of the employer to hire other desperate workers to bend those who demand the right to survival, will meet the solidarity front of the class oriented forces.
Our demand the accrued wages to be paid by the big-employers, which exceed the 200,000 euros and the Labor Minister to be pledged that he will take measures to stop the modern slavery, is also the demand of all the migrant workers around the country, not only in Manolada.
We call upon the trade unions, the regional trade union centres, the federations, the trade union organizations to express their solidarity, their support to the excluded (by the employers) workers, in practice. We call them to remind to their members that the tactic of Manesis who regularly paid the workers in Volos area –only- for as long as he wanted to attack the strike of workers in the steel industry of Athens, is the same and well known to all the employers. They want to turn us one against the other, to kill each other.
We must not do their favour.
The struggle of the Greek and immigrants is common against our common enemy.
Against the employers, monopolies, the capitalist system that gives birth to poverty, unemployment, immigration, impoverishment.
Immigrants’ Secretariat