Announcement for May Day 2013

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MAY 1st

SYNTAGMA Sq. 10.30a.m.



The uprisings of Chicago workers show the path of struggle against the modern slavery.


Working men and women, unemployed, youth


You have to turn the strike of May Day into a day of militant demand and manifestation of your indignation and anger. You must strenghten the lines of the trade unions; you have to enter the collective struggles having faith in your right. We must say no to today’s sweatshops, to today’s slavery. We have to say that “we will not become slaves of the 21st century”. 


May Day is a day of struggle! It is a day of international solidarity dyed with the blood of Chicago workers, of the countless sacrifices and of the working class heroes who fell in the uprisings of the class struggle. It is a day that the workers all over the world show their fists, their strength against their exploiters. It is a day that the modern demands of workers for decent life are projected, demands for relief of the working family of the barbaric measures of the monopolies and their political staff.


The rights and the achievements of workers were not given free by the exploiters, the governments and the parliaments. They were achieved through hard struggles.


We strike! May Day is a strike.


The messages of May Day must enter the workplaces.

These messages must pass through the gates of factories; they must become lessons in every school.


The plans of emasculation of the Labor Day and the effort for its degeneration by the employers and the government will not pass! The terror they feel in front of the struggles that question the power of the monopolies must grow. The vast popular majority of the working people have the right and the power to overthrow the plans, to create ruptures to the power of our exploiters. 


No more sacrifices for their interests!

Development for the people and not for the profits of monopolies.


Working men and women,


It is our duty today to take the situation into our own hands. To take up the individual and the collective responsibility. The relief and the release from the yoke of the working-popular family will not come automatically; it will not take place all at once. It will not take place without the intervention of the people in the developments, the participation of workers in the collective processes, the organization within the trade unions, the conflict in the workplaces.


In the current conditions there are demands of inhibition of the attack which satisfy the contemporary popular needs. The demands must become demands of the workers, they must enter the trade unions, and they must be subject of struggle without defeatism in factories and workplaces.  


We have the power! No gear turns without us!


There is no step back from the demand for a full-time and steady job for all, with the abolition of all the antilabor laws, defending people’s income.


No worker must work without having a collective contract. The wretched law that separates the workers according to age must be abolished. 


No young worker must work for pocket money; no working student must work doing his internship for a pittance.


The slave-trade of the unemployment projects must stop. These projects offer free labor to the enterprises; the workers have no rights and work for a small time period.


The protection measures of the working-popular family, of the working women must be increased.


We must struggle for contemporary, exclusively public, free Health for all, for free and public Education at all levels. 


We must defend our class brothers; the common organization and struggle of Greek people and immigrants must be strengthened against the brutality and the authority of the monopolies, against racism and the criminal activity of the fascist Golden Down, against the brutality of capitalism and war. 


There is nothing more powerful than the power of the workers-people’s movement!


There is no room for small or big victories if the workers do not turn their “guns” against those who degrade us today, who steal the wealth that we produce; they are the winners of the crisis and of the measures, they threaten and blackmail us with hunger to bend to our knees. 


Today we need a movement that will throw away the misleading slogans for a better negotiation with the E.U., for a more humane management of the exploitative system. We need a movement of overthrowing the antipopular policy of the E.U. and the memorandums, no recognition of the debt and the deficits by the people, disengagement from the E.U.


We need a movement well-organized and oriented opposed to the employers, the laws and their state, a movement that will be massive, organized within the workplaces and the sectors. A movement that will be free from the employers’ people, which will lean on and develop the social alliance, a movement that will not struggle only for restricted, temporary and questionable improvements, but for the total of the needs of the working – popular family. A movement that will put in the agenda the question of who is the producer of the wealth and will clearly put the question it is either us or the monopolies. 


We need a movement that will respond with struggles in every workplace and factory, which will multiply its initiatives at sectoral and local level by trade unions and popular committees, which will brake and stop in practice the measures of bankruptcy of our people. A movement that will stand against the governmental and employers’ trade unionism, the subjugated trade union leaderships of GSEE (private sector) and ADEDY (public sector), the voices of class collaboration and social dialogues.


The step of the workers must be synchronized with the step of all those who are affected and tortured by the dictatorship of the monopolies.


The front of struggle must be strengthened amongst workers, employees of private and public sector, self-employed, poor farmers, women in the line of struggle for the defense of even the smallest conquest of the working class and the people. The social alliance of the popular strata must be strengthened; the forces against monopolies must be gathered, to pave the way for more profound changes.


The flags of struggle, the flags of class struggle must be erected!


We uncompromisingly continue to the red path of the Chicago workers and of the militant traditions of our people, for the organization of our people. 


Long live the Labor Day!



MAY 1st

SYNTAGMA Sq. 10.30a.m.






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