Workers , Greeks and Migrants, Unemployed, Pensioners, Young Men and Women
We call on All of You to Rise, Strike and join PAME on February 24th , at 12:oo at Omonoia Square
In order to see off this anti-labour hurricane against wages, against the insurance system, against industrial relations, against our own future and against our children’s future.
The worst anti-labour, the most wretched government of the last decades with the “vultures” of big capital, Greeks and Europeans, have been dashing in what is left of our rights and conquests.
They abolish the social nature of insurance. They Increase the retirement age. They reduce the amount of money per pension, they establish a pension to give to the poor, and they reduce and degrade the public health system, insurance and welfare system.
They reduce salaries and wages and plunder on what is left, unleashing a storm of appreciation and price increases in oil, medication, tickets and all types of goods of wide popular consumption.
They reduce the tax-free threshold to the amount of 6000 euros, using receipts and launch a tax raid in broad popular strata. At the same time they reduce the taxation of big firms from 25% to 20% and “feed” with billions of euros the German and French arms manufacturers.
And as if these are not enough, they are ready to abolish collective labour agreements. They want to set totally free the limit of redundancies, they want to abolish Christmas, Easter and holiday pay, they want to abolish the Sunday holiday and to completely release working hours.
It is a constructed tale that we the employees support the antipopular measures the government and EU takes. These are supported by employers; the sold out leaders of GSEE – ADEDY, some well off journalists affiliated to the big bosses of information, the imperialist agencies like I.M.F., the World Bank etc.
It is a lie that these measures are necessary and temporary. They had already decided on these measures years before and use this crisis as an excuse to impose them on the working class. These measures are necessary only for the capitalists, Greeks and foreigners. Not only will these measures still be applied after the crisis, but the need for even worse measures against workers will be created.
The Prime Minister’s and the Government’s claim that they save the country is a wretched thing, they are these who raise the retirement age, reduce pensions and wages, sell out public property, send our children to unemployment, make the life of the working class family a living hell. Who do they save the country from? From its own people??? The only thing they save is the profit of capitalists. Patriotic is everything there is for the working class’ interests and not things that are for the local and foreign monopolies.
The government with EU, the capitalists, both domestic and foreign, the sold out labour aristocracy in GSEE – ADEDY, which supports the government and considers that the measures are to a positive direction, have formed a black, ruthless front against the working class. Not only do they demand from us to pay for their own crisis. They demand our own submission and our children’s submission for the next decades.
They have not taken into consideration our own social block, our social alliance. The united front of workers – self-employed artisans and merchants, poor and medium-strata farmers is being established and strengthened.
Do not accept to be threatened, to be terrorized, to have the wealthy talk to you about sacrifice and economy, these who steal from you the fruits of your own labour.
Not one step back!!!!! If you show them fear at this time, they are not going to empathize with you. Break the chains of terror. Only with class-oriented gathering, popular alliance and political counterattack we can stop them. To overrule the anti-labour policies.
Have trust in your strength – strengthen PAME more, the social popular alliance. Strike with us, join us in our rally, with PAME, to demand:
Permanent steady work for all, for us and our children.
1.400 € basic wages, 1.120 € basic pension and unemployment benefits.
Public, free and upgraded health services – welfare services.
To abolish anti-peoples, anti-insurance laws issued by ND and PASOK.
To withdraw now anti-labour measures on insurance and taxation
AT Omonia Square at 12:00