PAME (All Workers Militant Front) – PASEVE (Panhellenic Antitrust Coalition of Tradesmen – Craftsmen) – PASY (All Farmers Militant Coalition) – MAS (Students’ Militant Front) – OGE (Federation of Women in Greece)
In order for the new barbaric governmental measures not to be applied!!!
Dear Workers, Unemployed, Self-employed, Farmers, Women, Young Men and Women.
The new measures announced by the government are hell for the people – heaven for capital. They load the burdens of the capitalist crisis on to the workers, they cut every right to life for our children and for us and they bring a new labor Medieval. Thus, the competitiveness of monopolies is shielded.
We have only one choice: to organize our struggle with social-popular alliance in every sector, in every workplace, in every neighbourhood, to get out on the streets, so that the new measures of the government will not be applied; the measures that the dictatorship of the monopolies imposes.
The measures must be condemned! They must not be applied!
No consensus to their antipopular policy!
By the new measures:
New taxes (massacre) are imposed on the popular strata. They increase the VAT from 13% to 23%, they further increase by 20% the annual circulation taxes, the Consumption Taxes and they drastically reduce the tax free threshold, while they also reduce the tax rate from 24% to 20%, aiming to reach the 15% for manufacturers, bankers and ship-owners!
They further reduce the supplementary pensions and disability pensions, the lump sum. They increase the social security contributions for workers, while they reduce the employers’ contributions!
They further reduce social benefits (unemployment, low-income pensioners, disability, social housing etc.).
They cut medicines, medical examinations; they increase medical expenses, while there is a lack of thousands of doctors and nurses in hospitals (and they don’t employ new stuff).
They prepare more than 200,000 dismissals in the Public sector until 2013, through the transfer of workers, the mergers-closures of hospitals, schools, former Public Utilities Firms etc.
Through the new payroll in the public sector and the increase of the working hours they shrink the income, they extend the daily working time and they spread poverty and unemployment.
They further privatize the companies of Electricity – Telephone – Water, Ports, Airports etc. This development will bring new increases in the tariffs, high prices for the people and enormous profits for the monopolies.
The government, N.D. (conservatives), LAOS (nationalists), the troika and the E.U. terrorize, blackmail people that the new measures are supposedly one-way road, that are taken to save the country. The measures are taken to save and increase the profits of the plutocracy. This is their main goal. With the new measures they want to decrease the wages at the level of India and China, so that they will become more competitive and will make more profits.
The forces of PAME the next day of the announcement of the measures demanded from GSEE and ADEDY (the governmental and employers’ trade unionism in private and public sector) to immediately declare a 24-hour strike on Thursday June 2. The blocs of socialdemocrats (PASKE) and conservatives (DAKE) in ADEDY (public sector) rejected the proposal and “discussed the possibility” for 24-hour strike (GSEE-ADEDY) on June 21… one month after the announcement of measures (!!!), while the bloc of opportunists (SYN-SYRIZA) supported the proposals of (PASKE-DAKE) and voted against the proposal for strike on June 2.
GSEE – ADEDY give time to the government and the capital, undermine the workers’ struggles and help the government to apply the antipopular policy.
It is enough with these trade union leaderships! They are part of the problem; they are dangerous for the popular interests! The only option is to abandon them.
PAME, PASEVE, PASY, OGE, MAS call you to rally and act now!
Workers, unemployed, farmers, self-employed, women, young men and women,
In the framework of capitalist development there is neither a future, nor a perspective in favour of the popular strata. The sacrifices that they call you to make are endless. You do not have any responsibility for the capitalist crisis. Debt and deficits are of the plutocracy! You must not accept them!
No consensus, no sacrifice; plutocracy must pay the crisis!
Athens May 24, 2011