Peoples of the world rise up against monopolies
New General 48-hours strike
when the new antipopular measures will be deposit in the Parliament
The successful general strike on June 15 and the massive participation in the strike demonstrations of PAME, showed that people are angry and determined.
The trade unions of PAME organized several meetings within the workplaces and safeguarded the right to strike breaking the employers’ terrorism. Participation in the strike was great and in many factories and services the participation was at 100%!!!
Thousands of workers from the private and public sector, young people, pensioners were at the path of struggle. They reject the antipopular policies and the “medium-term program” of the government. They denounce and condemn the ideological terrorism and violence of the employers. They assert decent Collective Labor Agreements, they refuse the personal contracts and the sell-out of the public property, they demand working with rights and a decent life.
PAME called the working class to make into act the slogan “law is the rights of the worker”.
PAME, which is the coordinating organ of the class-oriented trade union movement of our country, is today the stable, vigorous and experienced force that can give new strength and perspective to the struggles of the working class of our country.
On June 18 PAME organized demonstrations in 65 cities of Greece.
The speaker of the central demonstration of PAME in Athens said:
“Facing today the generalized attack of the forces of capital, facing the capitalist crisis, we feel that we have a great responsibility to give even more decisively the struggle for the reconstruction and the organization of the labor movement, the organization of the working class and its allies, to give the struggle with new claims, to repel the antilabor policies, for their overthrow, for the decisive confrontation of the capitalists and monopolies.
The unity of the working class is being constructed against the monopolies, E.U., the parties of the system and the compromised trade union leaderships.
For this unity PAME struggles, so that the working class and its movement will be the breakwater of the antipopular policies, until the overthrow of the power of monopolies.
The united front of the alliance of workers, self-employed people and poor farmers will become the protagonist of the developments, so that the reactionary correlation at the expense of the power of monopolies will be overthrown”.