Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Working women and men, young women and men

We must be alarmed now, through organization in work places, in popular neighbourhoods, everywhere, through demonstrations in all the cities. In order for us to prevent the new plundering at the expense of the Social Security Funds which exceeds the 12 billion euros.  
They bring a law about Social Security, which imposes further dramatic cuts in main and supplementary pensions, increase of workers’ contributions, reduction of the employers’ contributions, reduction to abolition of the lump-sum, new large decline in whatever is left from the free medical benefits. The state budget foresees 1.4 billion euros less expenses for Social Security Funds in 2012 compared to 2011.  
We must struggle now massively to repel their plans to convert pensions into benefits of a welfare nature. We must struggle now to prevent the destruction of the Social Security Funds, their effort to make us work until we will become very old having meagre benefits.
The power of monopolies can only spread new sufferings; only through the violent impoverishment and degradation of people, the power of monopolies is armed and serves its plans. That is why conflict and rupture with the power of monopolies are imperative until its final overthrow, for a power and an economy that will serve the people. 

Working women and men,
The governments of PASOK (Social democrats) – N.D. (conservatives) have made sure to load the Social Security Funds with bonds amounting over 25 billion euros all the previous years instead of funding them, with the support of the governmental and employers’ trade unionism and of their appointed administrations.
They made laws to force Social Security Funds to outsource the management of their reserves to the bank capital, and that is how we have reached the point today where bankers, industrialists, ship-owners plunder 17 billion euros.
The assurances of the PASOK government that pensions will not be affected are utterly false; that is what they assured after the agreement of July 21. At that time they talked about a salvation agreement and within the following three months a merciless bombardment against the popular rights, against the labour popular income occurred.
It is a lie of wide calibre that the losses of Social Security Funds will be covered by the primary surpluses. A big part of the produced wealth and of the antipopular taxes is directed to repay the lenders of the Greek plutocracy. They will not give even one euro for pensions and funds.
The government deceives and tells lies that pensions and benefits are secured, because:
The state did not ever pay in full its meagre obligations to the Funds, and this had as a result the state to be indebted to the Funds for more than 12 billion euros. It is also a lie that pensions will be covered by workers’ contributions, because unemployment is over 21% and flexible forms of employment are extended. The IKA (Social Security Fund for the private sector employees) lost 800 million euros only from wage reductions in 2011, according to calculations. The evasion of contributions of the businesses is estimated to cost to the Funds 9 billion euros only for the last year.
The government’s position, that the losses of the funds will be covered by the transferring of public property, is a huge deception, because it is sure that whatever is left from the sell-out of public property will be given as compensation.


            We cannot and we must not tolerate a new crime at the expense of Social Security. We must cancel the final attack against Social Security Funds. The negative developments dynamite the present and the future of Social Security, the future of our children, the new generation in general.
We have a duty to counterattack this attack.
Down with the government and the parties of plutocracy. Popular alliance everywhere in order for us to prevent and to overthrow this policy. For a power and an economy where the people will dominate the wealth they produce, without monopolies, without capitalists. Only this power can secure pensions, health care and high quality services.
Vigilance and readiness are imperative in order for us to give an immediate, massive, militant response and to escalate the struggle against the new antilabour, antipopular attack.
We assert and demand:

  • The losses of Social Security Funds from the “haircut” of the debt to be 100% covered by the state.
  • To safeguard the coverage of the up-to-now losses in full based on the original price of the bonds.
  • State and employers’ debts and reserves that are plundered since 1950 to be returned to the Funds.
  • All reserves of the Funds that are in bonds, shares, mutual funds and other financial products to be withdrawn.   



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