Protection measures for the unemployed people
We address to the whole working class. To all these people who are already unemployed, looking for a day-wage; to all these people who find themselves with one foot out of production; to workers who are underpaid or not paid for months.
Nobody is alone. Nobody can face alone poverty and unemployment. The numbers of unemployment are growing fast; workers who remain unpaid for a long time are multiplied.
Unemployment exists at every house and is continually growing. Today it is our neighbour, our relative, our colleague who is unemployed. Tomorrow it is likely for everyone of us to be unemployed. You must not give up; you must not look for solutions where they do not exist.
Our position does not lie in the queues of the unemployment fund.
We must join our forces. We must respond with determination, with organization.
You must support PAME. You must contact your trade union.
Strengthen the popular committees at every neighbourhood through your participation.
Solidarity between us must be strengthened. All for one and one for all. The issue of unemployment is neither exclusively of one sector, nor can it be eliminated for one sector. On the contrary, a unified and coordinated struggle is necessary. Protection measures for the unemployed people must be taken now.
Struggle for the working class’ today and tomorrow
Unemployed people, Workers,
The government must not buy time through your tolerance. Measures that degrade people have been taken all the previous period, while the government is continually offering extra privileges to the plutocracy. You have nothing positive to expect from a government which supports the capital in every possible way and pushes massively working – popular families to poverty and degradation. The government has made dismissals easier for the employers and has abolished compensations.
You must not accept the current situation. You must not accept millions of euros to be given to employers and employers to recycle our poverty through the various programs which offer few months of work with hunger wages. The unemployment benefit is converted into subsidy to employers through these programs and workers are offered to employers for free.
You must not tolerate to be deceived and fooled. You did not create the crisis and the debts. Crisis and debts are the creation of the big entrepreneurs due to their high profitability, their tax-exemptions and their huge funding.
They already use unemployment and they will continue to use it much more to terrorize, blackmail and further reduce the already very low wages.
We have the power.
PAME, the class-oriented trade unions connect the struggle for a different path of development of society with the struggle for immediate relief and support measures for the unemployed people and their families, in practise.
We must not leave untroubled anyone who is responsible. Government, big capital, mayors, banks, Public Electricity Company, Tax-offices etc.
Come with us to demand:
One monthly wage as extraordinary allowance for all the unemployed people now.
Unemployment benefit of 1,120€ for the whole duration of unemployment.
Simplification of the requirements for the granting of unemployment benefits, extending to the small-scale tradesmen and craftsmen who closed their shops or work occasionally.
Free and full medical care coverage, renewal of health booklets in all sectors, without terms and conditions. The coverage must be 100% from the state, including also the families of the unemployed people.
30% reduction in tariffs of the former public utilities firms and prohibition of the cut of water supply, electricity and landline telephone.
Provision of free travelcard for the use of all the mass means of urban transport.
Calculation of the unemployment time as insured time for pension.
Abolition of interests on debts and freezing of loans for the whole unemployment duration, for poor farmers and abolition of seizures of all the properties (houses, farms etc.).
100% rent subsidy.
State market, collection and distribution of food to unemployed people and low-pensioners.
Establishment of public shops for clothing needs, footwear and personal hygiene at cost prices.
Supply of free packages of all the necessary school supplies to the children of the unemployed people.
Full cost coverage of the studies of students whose parents are unemployed or poor farmers.
No dismissal of contract workers in public and private sector.
Employment in sectors like Health, Welfare, Education and other projects of social infrastructure to reduce unemployment and cover the large deficiencies in these sectors.
The only thing the capitalist development can offer is some temporary underpaid jobs. Unemployment is an incurable wound for the system, which gives birth to it and reproduces it. Its treatment can be done only within the framework of a centrally planned Popular Economy, with the means of production being popular property.
Come with us to build the wide popular-labour alliance. In order for the people to become a force of power. In order for us to make the big-businesses popular social property.