Working women and men, unemployed, youth,
ALL TOGETHER in the 48-hour strike on November 6 and 7
On Tuesday, November 6 at 10.30a.m. at Omonoia sq.
On Wednesday, November 7 at 5.00p.m. at Omonoia sq.
Nothing is finished if we do not say the last word!
We have the power. We will overthrow them!
We must not lose even a minute!
We must take all the measures to ensure that the 48-hour strike will have an unprecedented success, without any delay, with organization, decisiveness, through meetings and collective decisions. Discussions and decisions for the mass participation of all the workers in the strike must be made in all workplaces, factories, schools and colleges, in all neighbourhoods.
All together in the rallies of PAME in an organized way, from every workplace and every neighbourhood, under the flags of the class-oriented struggle against the voices that call us to compromise and spread disappointment. We want to be finished with the sold- out leaderships of the trade union movement which together with the governments co-decide the antilabour measures; they are the carriers of defeat and fatalism; they are the people of the employers and the European Union.
The success of the strike must scare them! It must mark new conditions, counterattack, effective struggles and victories. This strike must not be restricted only to the demand of voting against the measures, but it must mark the starting point of new militant escalation and people’s counterattack that will drift, it will overthrow the antipopular policies, Troika, memorandums and loan agreements.
General uprising now. All together in the streets. To make all the streets, the sidewalks, the cities all over Greece sink with people.
Either with the needs of the people or with the opulence and the wealth of monopolies.
They are not unbeatable! The state of the monopolies may seems strong, but the one who is more organized, more disciplined, the one who knows the reason why he/she struggles and where to target wins the struggle. The working people should not just be content with a thunderous “no” to the new brutal measures, but they must further aggravate the difficulties and the problems the monopolies have, the working people must create conditions so that the political system will be incapable of operating, they must cause crackings, they must paralyze it so that it can not pass antipopular measures.
There is no space for negotiations within the European Union. All these who support such views, tell big lies, they are dangerous. The people must not further bleed having as a solution a better negotiator and manager of the system.
The acceptance of the negotiation in these conditions means acceptance of new memorandums, new measures, ensuring the profitability of the monopolies and of the lenders. As long as we remain within the European Union, as long as we accept the debt and this policy we will not be able to prevent the measures and degradation.
As long as monopolies exist, there will be no life and perspective!
The measures they take do not reduce the debt. They are measures that support the capital. This is the reason why they want us to be slaves, with 400€ wages, with non stop work, without steady working-time, without rights, to be unemployed, half-unemployed, half-workers, modern beggars to beg for work in several pseudo programs. Their target is the people to pay the capitalist crisis, so that the monopolistic groups in every sector will come out stronger.
We have the power to reverse their plans!
The Troika, capital, the E.U. and the parties of the plutocracy do not change.
The militant struggle, the pride, the faith that you will win is an honour and a responsibility for you.
You must change position and attitude towards them. We produce all the wealth; we are the vast majority, we have the power. The working class with its alliance, the self-employed, the poor farmers, we must lift high the banner of the struggle for our own interests. We must take the means of production and the power into our own hands.
You must believe in your strength, turn everything upside-down!