Militant Protests of Industry Unions demanding Collective Contracts

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On May 26 Unions and Federations from the Industries of Food and Drinks, Pharmaceutical, Metal and Shipbuilding, Press and Paper etc of Athens held a militant protest at the offices of the Industrialists Association demanding new Collective Contracts since collective bargaining has frozen the last 13 years.

The Industrialists Association used Police forces as security against the Unions. The class unions responded with a massive call to the working class to rally with the unions and strengthen in every work place the fight for collective contract against inflation, against hikes in prices etc.



At the same time Telecom Unions of Athens, the SETIP, Vodafone, Wind, Forthnet, Atos-Unify, OTE, Cosmote, Intrasoft and more held a protest at the Ministry of Labor denouncing the attacks on workers’ contracts and rights by the employers of the sector. The Unions demand sectoral Collective Contract with higher wages and rights and SETIP Union called in massive participation to its meeting on June 1st



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