PAME comment on the disgraceful statement of ITUC on IWMD2022

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On April 28, International Workers Memorial Day, when the workers fight for measures for protection, Health and Safety at work and honor their colleagues who were lost or maimed by the multinationals’ chase for profit, the ITUC proves once again its role as a mechanism in the service of the employers.

Bad words like “capitalism” or “exploitation” are missing from the ITUC press release by Secretary-General Sharan Burrow. At the same time as employers’ profits are being drenched in workers’ blood and the abolition of even the minimum occupational health and safety measures, the ITUC is saying literally

” It is in the interests of workers, employers and governments to make occupational health and safety an ILO fundamental principle and right at work.” Or as it says below “It’s bad for workers and bad for business”.

Workers have no common interests with bosses!

The struggle for workers’ health and safety measures is tied to the struggle against exploitation, against the bosses’ profits and their businesses. With the isolation of employers’ puppets in the unions, the isolation of mechanisms such as the ITUC


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