Today’s demonstration of PAME in Athens

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Today’s demonstration of PAME in Athens was impressive, militant and decisive. Thousands of people, working women and men, unemployed people, pensioners, young men and women participated in the demonstration, breaking in practise the measures of repression and prohibition, giving answer to the brutal policy of the government, capital and the European Union.

At the time when the starting point of the militant and dense rally reached the corner of Filellinon and Amalia str., its end was at Pireos and Socratous str.

PAME calls upon the unions, without stoppage, even from tomorrow to continue organizing the struggle for the response of the working class through a new strike on October 18. This strike must be an organized response to the capital, the European Union and monopolies that seek to enchain us.

PAME calls upon the workers not to accept the abolition of the minimum salary and day-wage, the smashing of 8-hour working day, the overall overthrow of their lives.

We must believe in our strength, to turn everything upside-down.

We must not accept the modern slavery!


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