The Executive Secretariat of PAME salutes the hundreds of thousands strikers

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Executive Secretariat of PAME salutes the hundreds of thousands strikers who fought in a determined way for today´s strike at the entrances of factories, in the ship docks, in every workplace, the tens of thousands of demonstrators that participated in the demonstrations of PAME in all Greek cities. We call them to fight also for the success of tomorrow´s strike in a more massive and even more determined way.

The Executive Secretariat denounces the staged “game” of a few dozens masked men with the police, whose only goal is to slander the workers´ struggles, to terrorize the working people and youth, to prevent their participation in tomorrow´s demonstrations and this evening´s demonstration. The steady and selective appearance of those groups at the workers´ demonstrations indicates their goals and reveals the mechanisms that put them in action. Workers must not be frightened, on the contrary they must answer to the provocative action of these mechanisms in a well guarded and organized way, with massive participation at the demonstrations.

All in today´s demonstration at 19:00, and in tomorrow´s great strike demonstration at 10:00, at Omonoia Square.



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