“The peoples have the power and never surrender. Organize – Counterattack”

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


PAME held today a symbolic mobilization, posting banners on the Acropolis with the slogan “The peoples have the power and never surrender. Organize – Counterattack” (in Greek and in English). We call upon the working people, youth, unemployed people, women in popular uprising. We strengthen our struggle together with the peoples all over the world against the capitalist brutality.

In order for the brutal measures, that bankrupt the people, not to be applied.

We dynamically, decisively respond through our participation in the 48-hour strike.

All together in the strike demonstrations of PAME, on Tuesday June 28 and on Wednesday June 29 at Omonoia square, at 10a.m. On Tuesday June 28 a big demonstration will take place at the Temple of Olympic Zeus, at 7p.m.

The Press Office


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