The ITUC disgracefully adopts the arguments and the aims of the imperialists

The ITUC disgracefully adopts the arguments and the aims of the imperialists

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


At the same time that the bombing of NATO against the people of Libya are continued, the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) provides its full support to the governments of the USA and the E.U. It hypocritically talks about the legality of the war under the UN resolution.

The peoples know that the most war crimes (Yugoslavia, Iraq etc.) that happened, were based on the legitimacy of the UN resolutions.

ITUC has a great history in supporting the imperialists. They said the same about the war in Vietnam, for the coups in Latin America and for the imperialists’ interventions in all the countries of the world.

The workers of our country must draw their conclusions from the attitude of this international trade union organization, whose member is the Greek General Confederation of Labor (GSEE). Thus, the two lines that there are within the international and the national trade union movement are distinguished. From the one hand is the line of the class-oriented trade union movement, which is against the monopolies and imperialism and is expressed by the World Federation of Trade Unions (W.F.T.U.) and on the other hand is the line that supports the imperialists’ plans and is expressed by ITUC.

The success of the 16th World Trade Union Congress of W.F.T.U. that will be held in Athens and of the manifestation that will take place on Wednesday April 6, at 6.30 p.m. at the Tae Kwon Do stadium (Faliro Bay) is the best respond to the line of subjugation to the capital’s interests.

The Executive Secretariat


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