24Hour Strikes in Press and Food Industries

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Great Success met the strike of workers in Press Delivery Agencies which started on late night of September 30th till late night of October 1st. The workers went on strike demanding the signing of Collective Contracts.

The strike met great success against the attempts of the employers to block it, through Court Decisions, which called the strike illegal.

Photos of one of the late night picket lines here: https://plus.google.com/+PamehellasGr/photos


On October 2nd work stoppages are planned in the Music Hall of Athens, where the workers demand the payment of their accrued wages.

Also the trade unions of the workers in ZAVEL Food Industries go on 2hour work stoppage on Friday, as preparation for the 24hour Strike on Saturday, October 3rd. The trade unions called for strike to cancel the layoffs and to demand the payment of accrued wages.


Athens, October 2nd, 2015


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