Strike of 3 Sectoral Federations, members of PAME, on the 15th and 16th of May

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Federation of Workers in Printing-Paper Industries and the Federation of Workers in Textile and Clothing Industries go on strike on the 15th of May and the Federation of Workers in Food Industries goes on strike on the 15th and 16th. The workers in those sectors go on strike to defend Collective Contracts.

For the past weeks, the 3 Federations had important activity to inform all workers, in every company and factory. With visits and meetings, the federations that are members of PAME aim to rally the workers against the employers’ aggressiveness. The Executive Secretariat of PAME, in an announcement for the defending of Collective Contracts states:

“What is right is judged in the workplaces. In every factory, every office, every construction site, everywhere must strengthen the front that will raise the banner of resistance. Victory will be determined by the correlation of power. It is our duty, to us and to our children, to strike against every attempt of the capitalists to destroy our wages. We must cancel the plans of the big capitalists and of their political staff to abolish Collective Contracts.

If there is no correlation of power that will impose collective contracts in favour of the workers, the downfall will continue. The working class must not acknowledge any law. The only law is our right, is to own the wealth we produce. To demand our life and our contemporary needs.”


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