Court decision passes judgement on the strike of the steel workers, declaring it illegal

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The court´s decision to declare illegal the ongoing, for seven months now, strike of the steel workers, is nothing more than another sign of confirmation of the class character of the judicial system, acting as a protection shield of the big employers.

The particular judge (Mrs Nicholaou) and the other people in positions of responsibility have not seen and not heard that this particular industrialist has been attempting illegally to reduce wages.

They have neither seen, nor heard that this industrialist has illegally fired dozens of strikers during the strike, the same way they have neither seen nor heard that every day tens of thousands of workers have their wages reduced through blackmail, tens of thousands of workers are unpaid for months, tens of thousands of workers experience violation of their working hours.

They, the government and the representatives of the judicial system, are fooled to believe that they can stop the struggles. For decades, justice in the bourgeois system plays the role of legitimizing the exploitation of the capitalist employers, but the class struggle has not stopped. This will also happen now. The river does not turn back.


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