Withdraw All Charges Against The 35 Cadres Of PAME-No To The Criminalization Of Workers’ Struggles

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On October 2, will take place the new trial of the 35 cadres of PAME. The 35 cadres of PAME are brought to court again despite the fact that they have already been tried and in the previous trial all the charges by the ND government were dismissed.

This is prosecution of Presidents of National Workers’ Federations and big Trade Unions, for a protest they held 30/1/2013 at the Ministry of Labor against of the provocative statements about of the then Labor Minister ND(liberals).

At that time, it was ND who wanted to enforce the memorandum laws on social insurance, to slaughter workers’ wages and rights. Today is the government of SYRIZA – ANEL, which is implementing the laws of ND and together voted on the new attack on wages. Today’s government can not pretend to be innocent.

The SYRIZA-ANEL Government, along with the ND anti-workers policies of the attack on the wages, pensions, and imposition of taxes, continues to forcefully enforce the doctrine of Law and Order by filling the courts with trade unionists, militnat farmers, students, people who are struggling to protect their homes.

In the last few months, and since the SYRIZA government legislated the law against workers’ Strike has also done the following

  • Banned the COSCO Workers’ Strike (5 out of 5 Strikes were called illegal in the last 4 Months)
  • Attack of Riot Polices against students and arrest of two youths with indictment directed by the US Embassy
  • Trial of Trade Unionists and the President of the Regional Trade Union Center of Larissa, member of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, for participation in mobilizations of farmers
  • An entire industry of prosecutions against those opposed to auctioning off of peoples homes, in addition to Riot polices attacks against unions protest of auctions, like on April 28 violent attack
  • Arrests of workers who demanded to be paid eg at MARKET IN Supermarkets
  • Attack with chemicals against students who protested for the cost of students food in universities

The prosecution against PAME is a government’s service to the employers. It has a clear goal to maintain the climate of repression and intimidation that business groups want to impose in the workplaces. The unionists who represent thousands of workers are being brought back to trial because they have done their class duty. They responded to the intimidation and the attack of governments and business groups. The SYRIZA-ANEL government continues the work of previous governments, but because carrots are over, as time passes, they use more and more the whip.

We call on trade unions to once again express their mass condemnation against the criminalization of the organization and action of workers and trade unions.

We organize the escalation of the struggle against the big business, its governments and its parties. Against the new anti-peoples measures.

Withdraw All The Charges Against The 35 Cadres Of PAME

No To The Criminalization Of Workers’ Struggles


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