Trade Union Conference For The Evaluation Of The Action of the Unions

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After a call by the PAME Secretariat of Attica on Tuesday, May 7, took place a Trade Union and Unionists Conference for the evaluation of the action developed until May Day and the organization of the next initiatives, where hundreds of trade union representatives transferred their experience from the battles they give in their sectors and workplaces.

The main document noted:

“The massive and militant participation in the May Day rallies of PAME–where were many workers and trade unionists who participated for the first time – was the best answer to the anti-workers’ policy of the SYRIZA government and the business groups that escalated exploitation for the overwhelming majority of the people, against the offensive of the USA-NATO-EU. It was a message of resistance and demand for those that really need the workers and their families … to prepare the rally of May 1st in Athens we made hundreds of visits, assemblies and meetings, we distributed over 150,000 leaflets of PAME and the unions, organized campaigns to tolls and ports.

On the other hand, the few-people’s rally in Athens, called by the GSEE-ADEDY leadership, has confirmed that they are a workers’ aristocracy cut off by the workers and their problems; they find no support from real workers, because the workers instead of seeing them next to workers, they are facing them, as rivals, as they go hand in hand with the business groups and the government.

…For this, the orientation towards the organization of the working class and the organization of struggle must be strengthened, focusing on our modern needs, against the strategy of the capital and imperialist organizations. To defeat the line of “social partnership”. Strengthen the emancipatory tendencies in a section of trade unionists, who were taught to follow the leadership of the GSEE in the name of “unity,” but now they understand better that true unity is first and foremost build within the working class, within the trade unions, in the fight to defend the workers’ interests.

…Among the tasks undertaken by the forces that rally with PAME are to respond to the pre-election campaign of disorientation and manipulation of workers in view of the European elections and local elections by SYRIZA-ND parties,because they do not address to the people. Because in Greece, in the years of the crisis and now of growth, the big business groups are the ones left standing. Workers only experienced exploitation and impoverishment. But neither ND nor SYRIZA talk about what the workers have lost. The losses of the working class for them are “pathogens” and “the past and forgotten”. Now they promise new profits, even bigger, to business groups, and new sacrifices for the people. We have an obligation to reveal this propaganda. To not let the workers be locked in the traps of the 2 parties, not to give more time to the parties of the plutocracy. To insist that our needs do not fit into the logic of “lesser evil”

In this context, three main pillars of action for the next period were set out:

  • Organization and struggle for the defense and widening of rights and conquests, based on the PAME framework of struggle. In this direction it was mentioned the support of the planned mobilizations of the workers in public services and in the hospitals, as well as the mobilizations of the workers in deliveries, Food-Catering, construction of big projects.
  • Strengthening the fight against the action of EU and NATO imperialist unions in Greece, in the Balkans, in the wider region.
  • To fight for the empowerment and emancipation of the trade union movement by the influence of business groups and the bourgeois state, “against the plans of the trade union mafia in the leadership of the GSEE that wants to plant the employers in the unions”





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