The ETUC supports the imposition of a new Memorandum in Greece

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The right hand of the European Union in the trade union movement, the ETUC, added itself to the mechanisms of terrorization of the Greek people, for accepting the new anti-workers’ memorandum.

The ETUC with a statement of so called “solidarity” with the Greek people, reproduces all the terrorizong dilemmas of the imperialist mechanisms for the acceptance of the new, antiworkers’ memorandum, or bankruptcy. Support of the monopoly groups or unemployment. Salvation of the Euro, or disaster.

Whichever Agreement is signed between the Greek Government and the Lenders, will be a new attack against the working class. The acceptance of a new Agreement-Memorandum by the workers will mean acceptance of being butchered. This is what the ETUC works for.

The ETUC has been cultivating for years now the propaganda that the workers only have one way, the path of the imperialist European Union, of the capitalist development, of class collaboration. This is the direction that has dominated in the European trade union movement and has lead the workers in the destruction of their rights, the submission of the anti workers reforms and directions of the European Union and has given huge profits to the multinationals and the monopolies.

The wretched propaganda of the imperialist mechanisms must receive a militant, class response by the workers of Greece and Europe. The ETUC and its forces in each country must be isolated and condemned by the workers.


International Secretariat


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