Sunday April 14 – Day of Antiimperialist Action

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

39η Μαραθώνια Πορεία Ειρήνης

The class unions of Greece took part and supported the National Day of Antiimperialist Action called by the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace on April 14.

Thousands of people, workers, youth, participated in Anti-NATO, anti-imperialist events all over Greece. The demonstrators condemned the Greek Government of SYRIZA for its participation to the imperialist competitions in the region, especially as 2019 is the anniversary of the 70 years since the foundation of the murderous organization of NATO and 20 years since the USA-NATO-EU’s criminal intervention against the people of former Yugoslavia.

In the protest demonstration in Athens spoke on behalf of PAME, Vasilis Stamoulis, who highlighted the antiimperialist action of PAME since the first moment of its foundation. He noted PAME’s firm solidarity with the refugees and migrants while he underlined that the escalation of imperialist aggression is the other side of the escalation of exploitation that workers suffer in the work places.


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