Solidarity with the struggle of Amazon employees in France

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PAME, representing Greece’s class trade union movement, expresses its solidarity with Amazon’s workers in France who went on strike against the employer’s demand to work in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their demands are perfectly fair and employees cannot sacrifice their health for the benefit of employers

Dear Colleagues, In Greece, too, many employers are pushing employees to work in the midst of a pandemic without even taking any basic Health and Safety measures. That is why the unions have also mobilized in Greece at the Ministry of Labor demanding immediate measures to protect public health and the health of workers.

In their demands, the unions demand both the immediate strengthening of the public health system that has taken on the full burden of dealing with the pandemic, and the protection of the health of workers who continue to work in the midst of a pandemic.

The masks we need to wear to protect against the pandemic must not silence the voice of the workers.

PAME supports the fair fight of Amazon employees in France. We are on your side.


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