Solidarity with the peoples of Cuba and Latin America

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PAME, representing the class trade union movement of Greece, denounces the escalation of USA aggression against the peoples of Cuba and Latin America and expresses its solidarity in the struggle of workers for their lives and their future.

The provocative statements of US Security Adviser John Bolton against the peoples of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, which characterize these countries as “troika of tyranny” and “security threats in the region”, are extremely dangerous as they come from the government of the country that has bled the people of the world.

The United States of the imperialist interventions and wars, dictatorial regimes, with the daily racist killings of black Americans in their own country, the USA of Guantánamo and the “black sites” of torture, once again come to speak hypocritically of “democracy” and “freedom.” The United States is continuing and stepping up decades of efforts against the Cuban Revolution and the struggle of the Latin American peoples to decide for themselves their present and future. Similarly, the European Union’s policy with the governments of its member states, which, in spite of individual differences, has for years supported the US interventions and aggression against the socialist Cuba, and is reproducing their lies and propaganda.

PAME stands firmly on the side of the Cuban people, in the struggle of the peoples of Latin America against imperialist plans and interventions.

We demand the lifting of the murderous embargo and USA-EU measures against Cuba and the repeal of the Helms-Burton Act


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