Solidarity with the People and the Workers of Kazakhstan

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On December 14, a delegation of PAME went to the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Athens to protest the oppression of the Kazakhstani Government against the people and submitted a Resolution of Solidarity with the Workers and the People of Kazakhstan. The Resolution submitted states:

All Workers Militant Front (PAME) denounces the continuing authoritarianism of the Government of Kazakhstan and its attack against workers-people’s rights.

On December 16 is the 5year anniversary since the bloody repression of workers strike at Zanaozen of Kazakhstan, on December 2011, where 70 workers were killed and many more were imprisoned.

5 years later, the oppressive regime of Kazakhstan continues its attack against workers-people’s rights, sells public property and responds with oppression and persecutions against those who fight back. Even today, the Nazarbaef regime refuses to allow the legal activity of unions, political parties and organizations.

Within this context, on November 28, Kazakhstani Court condemned with heavy penalties in prison Maks Bokaev and Talgat Ajan who fought against the ruling of the Government of Kazakhstan to privatize millions acres of land. Their imprisonment was based on the laws of “on ignition social hatred” and under the pretext of “failure to comply with protests organization regulations”.

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers and the people of Kazakhstan

We demand:

  • Release all those imprisoned, under political motives

  • Stop the political and trade union persecutions

  • Ensure the right to trade union organization, demonstrations, the right to strike

  • Punishment of the real culprits of the murder of dozens of striking workers in the city Zanaozen December 2011

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