Solidarity with OSCMS of the Czech Republic

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

PAME expresses its support and solidarity to the struggles of Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia (OSCMS) of the Czech Republic.

In the on-going negotiations about the drivers’ wages the politics of both Czech-Moravian Trade Union Confederation (CMKOS; a part of the ETUC) and, especially, Transport Trade Union (OSD) is a permanent attempt to exclude the OSCMS as well as from the Tripartite ones, both regionally and nationally.

The OSCMS considers unprecedented a current behaviour of both the OSD and the CMKOS to be hypocritical in the case of the above mentioned negotiation since both the TUs have made strong concessions from the demanded level of drivers’ wages. In concrete figures, it means to retreat from total CZK 130 (€ 4.8) per hour to CZK 85 (€ 3.1) of their rough wage.

PAME supports the just demands of the OSCMS for the drivers rights and wages and we express our solidarity with their struggles and strikes.


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