The Secretariat of the International Transport Workers Union, Fisheries and Communication – UIS, sectoral structure of the World Federation of Trade Unions – FSM, is in hello, show solidarity and wish the best of success in the Maritime Strike Unions of Greece, for On 2 and 3 November, as the participation of the maritime unions in the great general strike in Greece against SYRIZA Gobieno plans.
With the deception of the people that are left government, they are become the power to be of service to the European Union, IMF, World Bank and transnational.
The strength of unity of maritime workers should allow you rob curb social security rights and not accept to jeopardize the safety of crews and passengers.
The government of SYRIZA these measures violate international treaties and ignores the fundamental rights of workers and Greek workers.
We are with you.
Classist greetings.