PAME Website Upgrade

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We are pleased to inform you that the PAME website has been upgraded, in a new, more user-friendly form. Correspondingly, PAME International pages in English and Spanish have been upgraded.

The English Web site of PAME is at:

And the Spanish Website of PAME is at the:

We remind you that the main webpage of PAME, in Greek, is at the address:

Our goal through the PAME websites and media, is to strengthen communication, exchange of information, expression of solidarity and common action of the militant, class unions.

Our new websites give us the opportunity for more rich content. In particular, on the new PAME International websites you can find news from the struggles, actions, activities and positions of PAME and the class unions of Greece. Also for the activities of the PAME Secretariats (Secretariats of Youth, Immigrants, Women, etc.).

In addition, has been added the category International Solidarity, with announcements, solidarity messages and trade union actions from around the world.

Also, a link has been added with News from the World Federation of Trade Unions

Important features that have been improved are the easier access to photos (new account PAME on FLICKR ) videos, posters, and PAME Publications. At the same time, you can also access the PAME Radio, via the Internet, with shows of Unions, workers, working youth etc (the radio program is in Greek).

An important upgrade is that all of these features are easily accessible from mobile phones as well in English and Spanish.

Also, the effort to better and easier access to archive of PAME through the site, which we want to complete in the coming months, continues. Until now, are available the last PAME Congress  in 2016.

For PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, it is our duty the constant effort to strengthen communication, militant bonds, Solidarity and common struggles of the militant trade unions. We hope that our new site will contribute to this goal.


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