PAME Solidarity with the Workers of France

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The All Workers Militant Front, PAME (WFTU Affiliate) which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, expresses its Solidarity with the people of France and struggle against the antilabour policies of the antiworkers “El khomri law”.

In France, as in Greece, are being promoted antiworkers’ measures that aim the protection of the business groups’ profits. Precondition for their profitability however is the butchering of the working class. The wage cuts, pension cuts, abolishment of labour rights, privatization of Healthcare and Education. Main victim of this attack is the youth, who are condemned into unemployment, or slavery-working relations!

The imposition of this antiworkers’ policy goes through the extinction of any voice of resistance. This is why we witness an escalating attack against trade union rights and freedoms, against the workers’ who fight and mobilize. For these developments, huge are the responsibilities of those forces in the trade union movement, who for years had been cultivating the position of class collaboration, of retreat and compromise to the demands of the employers. Forces that, after following the directions of the ETUC-CES, adopted as demands of the workers “competitiveness” and “entrepreneurship”.

Against these developments and in spite of the difficulties and obstacles, the workers of France are giving a great struggle. The class trade union movement of Greece, the Federations, the Labour Centers and the Unions that rally with PAME, we express our support. We express our Solidarity with all the workers who walk the streets of struggle and to the trade unions-WFTU/FSM affiliates, who have a main role in the mobilizations.

Athens, May 20, 2016



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