PAME Platform of Demands 2018-2019

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

  1. The unilateral and total cancelation of the national debt. The cancelation of all anti-people measures, laws and memorandums imposed by the IMF, the E.U. and other imperialistic organizations.
  2. Permanent and stable jobs for all, with 7 hours work/day, 35 hours work/week, 5 working days/week and Collective Contract. The consolidation by law, for Sunday as a day off. Social security, Health and Safety at the workplace, measures of protection for maternity and the prohibition of layoffs of pregnant workers.
  3. Raises in the salaries, pensions and social benefits.
  4. Restoration and obligatoriness of the Collective Contracts. Restoration of Minimum wage No worker under 751€ /month. Collective Agreements must apply to all workers regardless their condition of employment.
  5. The cancellation of the current antiworkers’ legal frame, for the Collective Agreements.
  6. All unemployed workers must be covered by social security. Unemployment benefits for the whole duration of the unemployment period. No power, water or telephone disconnections for the unemployed and unpaid workers. Postponement of payments towards banks and the State. Deletion of debt from interest rates.
  7. Prohibition of auctions for the worker’s and popular families. Cancellation of the law that allows the auctioning of properties, due to debts owed to banks and the State, even for the sum of 500 euros. Establishment of a law that will protect the main family residence.
  8. Abolishment of ENFIA (taxes for houses), and “tax-robbing” of the Greek workers. No, to the new cuts on tax-free income levels. Tax-free income level of 20.000 euros, increased by 5.000 euros per child. Taxation of 45% for the big capital profits and property.
  9. Cancellation of all antisocial security laws. Covering of all losses on pensions, main and secondary. Annulment of the re-calculation of pension and the cancellation of the “personal difference”. All sums withheld by the State must be returned, without further delays or the requirement of new applications. Lowest pension granted at 600 euros. The age limits for workers, farmers and the self-employed must not surpass 60 years of age, for men and 55 years for the women. The age limit for workers in hazardous occupations must be at 55 and 50 years of age, for men and women, accordingly.
  10. Fight against privatizations and the surrendering of the national wealth to the business groups, against unemployment, the intensifying of exploitation and the raise of prices of water, electricity, public transport and telecommunication fees and all other basic commodities.
  11. Thousands of new recruitments must be made now, by the State in the sectors of Healthcare and Education. We demand permanent, full time teachers and hospital staff, to cover the vacancies in public hospitals and schools. Tenure for the limited time contract workers and all substitute employees. Abolishment of “flexible” types of employment and the conversion of all such employment contracts into contracts of indefinite duration. Reopening of all Health Centers, clinics and hospitals that were closed, due to cut-backs. Immediate hirings for the social security, work inspection organisms, the Emergency Services, social organizations and the Social Welfare foundations. Abolishment of all cut-backs and limits in the diagnostic examinations, medication, inoculation, physiotherapy and other medical procedures. Medical care must be provided for free, with the use of state funds and within scientific and not accounting criteria. Reestablishment of labour benefit for all women without any pre-requirements. Exclusive, state funding for Education, Healthcare and Social Welfare. Free and public childcare facilities and a system of a two-year mandatory pre-school education, for all children. No children must be left out of the childcare facilities schools. Free students restaurants and accommodation for all university students, in modern and safe establishments.
  1. Infrastructure and means of protection for the people. Flood- control, antiseismic and fire-protection measures and projects, right now.
  • Immediate restoration of water and electricity supply, for the fire-victims of East Attica.
  • Immediate measures of support for the regional Health Centers, with recruitment and other means that will cover the fire-victims that require medical assistance.
  • Immediate and emergent economic support for the fire-victims and their families.
  • Immediate accounting of damages and total reimbursement for the shops, equipment, and merchandise lost in the fire, for all the self-employed and small businesses in the area, together with the property of the working and populist families.
  • Full coverage by the State Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), for all people that lost their jobs in the fire. Immediate coverage of their salaries and social security.
  • Postponement of the payment for all debts to the State, and banks, without surcharge or interest, for all fire-victims of the area.
  • On bank loans. Total erasing of the debts of working and popular families that were damaged by the fires, concerning loans on primary family residence and vocational homes.
  • Exemption from ENFIA, for all poor, working and popular families damaged by the fires.
  • Exemption from municipal taxes for all fire-victims.
  • The immediate and without further delay planning and generous funding by the State, for counter-flood and counter-fire projects in Attica and the whole country.
  1. Free and public infrastructure of sports and cultural activities, social tourism programs, free and public camps for the working class, the unemployed and their families.
  2. Denial of participation in all imperialist interventions and wars, outside the Greek borders. No participation in the slaughterhouses of NATO and the E.U. All foreign military bases and facilities must close now. Throw NATO out of the Aegean and the Balkans.


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