PAME Message to the workers and trade unions of India for the deadly train crash

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Dear comrades,

PAME from Greece expresses its deepest condolences and sorrow over the new, deadly train crash in India on June 2.

As recently in Greece we have mourned dozens of deaths from the train crash in Tempe and in India the workers’ unions denounce that this is yet another predictable crime, as a result of the policy of commercialisation of transports.

In India too, the Governments consider it a ‘cost’ to maintain the necessary infrastructure and enforce measures to ensure transport safety. At the same time, the Central trade unions and the Indian Railways Federations denounce the policy of imposing flexible labour relations, with outsourcing and understaffing of railway services, with a reduction in the number of necessary staff. As the unions complain, the shortage of staff has led to workers working without rest etc.

Once again, this reveals how dangerous is for the people the policy of defending profits, for which governments and business groups sacrifice human lives.

For workers throughout the world, the need to strengthen the common struggle in every country for measures to protect the lives of workers and peoples becomes more urgent. Let our grief and anger become a force for organisation and struggle. Let the slogan “Our lives or their profits” be heard more loudly in every corner of the world.


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