PAME Message to 4th National Congress of CTB, Brasil

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Dear comrades of CTB

On behalf of the class trade union movement of Greece, PAME, we wish you all success at your Congress and we transfer to you our militant, class solidarity to your new, big struggles in defending the rights of Brazilian workers.

Dear comrades, despite the thousands of miles between us, the class movement of Greece is watching with interest the developments in Brazil, your great struggles and the recent General Strikes against the anti-workers’ attack. PAME and the class unions of Greece have consistently expressed our Solidarity in your struggles and we will continue to be at your side. The developments in Brazil are very important for workers in all countries, as the successes, the achievements and steps forward in the movement of one country, especially of such a large and important country as Brazil, can be a major weapon in the struggles of the workers in each country.

At the same time, we would like to thank the CTB, as well as our good comrades Adilson Araujo and Divanilton Pereira, for their steady Solidarity with the struggles of the Greek workers. We want to thank you for your support in the more than 40 General Strikes we organized in Greece the last 8 years.

Dear comrades, the struggles of the workers and the peoples of Brazil are promising, especially in conditions where the international trade union movement is in a very difficult situation. The main burden is the situation in Europe’s trade unions, who are dominated by the ITUC forces. This is, that dominates the logic of class collaboration, which brings disappointment and defeatism to workers’ struggles. It is the logic that cultivates and reproduces the phenomena of corrupted trade unionists and trade unions. It is the logic that transforms trade unions from workers’ unions into offices of employers’ propaganda. This has led trade unions even to support the imperialist wars, to support NATO, to support anti-communism.

At the same time, in countries where despite the difficulties, struggles are developing, as in Greece, capitalists are using governments even under the label of the Left, even with anti-capitalist slogans, to impose new wage cuts, privatizations, abolishment of workers’ rights. Today, the so-called “left” government of Greece is promoting a law to limit the action of trade unions and ban the right to strike. These governments, who do not hesitate to speak even about Socialism, in practice promote the interests of industrialists, bankers, and big business groups. That is why, in Greece, this government has imposed barbaric anti-workers’ measures, memoranda, with the support of the other political parties of the Capital, either social democrats, or liberals.


Against these conditions, the class movement of Greece has led the organization of the working class, the development of struggles and demands, which constitute a legacy to fight today for the recovery of the losses suffered by Greek workers in recent years. Simultaneously with the struggles for the wages and the lives of the workers of Greece, PAME was found from the very first moment in the front line of the struggle against the imperialist interventions and wars. We organized class solidarity with the refugees and immigrants who arrived in Greece, who were uprooted from their countries by the barbarism of imperialism. We respond to the calls of hate, of nationalism, racism and xenophobia, with daily action for the unity of the working class, regardless of color, ethnicity, religion or sex, unity against the common enemy, capitalist exploitation.

We are preparing the working class’s response to the possibility of a generalized imperialist war with the slogan “With the workers of all countries for a world without exploitation, wars, refugees”.

In this direction, we are taking initiatives for coordination and joint action of European trade unions to create a distinct, militant trade union pole that will be the weapon of Europe’s workers against the anti-labor attack of the European Union-the national government and the big business groups. In this context and with new initiatives, we are struggling to strengthen the WFTU in Europe.

Dear comrades, all of these are an expression of our belief that class solidarity, internationalism, exchange of experience between organizations in each country are irreplaceable weapons for class unions, and we are confident that PAME and CTB, members of the big, class family of the WFTU, we will strengthen our common struggles for the right of workers to have the wealth they produce, for the definitive abolition of capitalist exploitation.

Viva La CTB

Viva La FSM

Viva Solidaridad


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