PAME Intervention in the Web Celebration of WFTU for International Women’s Day

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PAME Intervention in the Web Celebration of WFTU for International Women’s Day

PAME participated in the International Web Celebration of WFTU for International Women’s Day that was held online on March 8 with the participation of over 100 women trade unionists from dozens of countries from all continents.

PAME welcomed the initiative of WFTU and the militant women workers of the world, conveying the message of struggle and solidarity of the class movement of Greece “We break the chains of silence, exploitation, inequality”


PAME Intervention in WFTU Web Celebration of International Working Women’s Day

Women Workers We Fight For Our Modern Needs

We Break TheChains Of Exploitation

8thMarch 2021: 164 years have passed since the day the working women in sewing factories in New York went on strike and fought against their bosses and the governmental repression forces, to demand better working conditions and wages, using their blood to write one of the brightest pages in the history of the working class movement .

 In 1910, the Second International Socialist Women’s Conference devoted the 8thof March as a day of honor and memory for the working women of the world. Today, working women are faced with the same brutal exploitative system, mechanisms, and its staff of which various ideologies and “modernized” methods to try to manipulate and convince them that “equality” means:

  • Crushing rights and conquests, such as social security, protection of maternity and the support of the social role of women.
  • Acceptance that motherhood is an obstacle in the “professional” life or a reason for dismissal.
  • The so called “reconciliation” of work with personal and family life through flexible and part-time employment.
  • To work night and day and in severely unhealthy conditions.
  • To retire at an older age.
  • To “chase” women’s “entrepreneurship” and the “proportion” of women’s participation in organizations and staffs that support and promote the cruel exploitation of all employees.
  • To “worship” the imperialist organizations, NATO, the EU, to join the repressive corps and the imperialist armies that massacre and uproot the peoples, who are responsible for the misery of refugees and migrants, men, women, and their children.

They are confronted with the crocodile tears and the manifestations “against racial and working violence” of the bourgeois staff and governments, the EU, the employers’ and government-controlled trade unions in Greece, in Europe and internationally (GSEE, ETUC, ITUC), all those who drink water in the name of capitalist barbarism.

This atrocity, the real violence, is obviously expressed today:

  • With the exposure of working-class women and men and the people to the pandemic, since health, medicines, vaccines are awfully expensive goods.
  • With the anguish of the children of popular families for proper education in a fragmented educational system that does not even offer them the basics.
  • To the workers of health, industrial sectors, supermarkets, etc., who work intensively, with endless overtime, with lack of measures to protect their health and safety.
  • To the thousands of unemployed and on hold workers who are called to live on the crumbs left over from the good “feeding” of the employer.
  • With the new anti-worker measures brought by the government, to strengthen the capitalists and increase the exploitation of the workers, to stop the trade union organization, their demanding struggles, and their fight.
  • With the savage repression of those who raise their heads and raise their voices, women, men and children – in schools and universities.
  • With the interventions and wars of the imperialists who kill and uproot thousands of innocent people.

The women of the working class and the popular strata have no common interest with the women who are in the staff and power mechanisms of the capitalists and business groups, their governments, and the imperialist organizations.

They have nothing to do with women who pursue anti-worker and anti-popular policies, crush workers’ and people’s rights and freedoms, harass and lay off workers. They have nothing in common with all those who do not hesitate to sacrifice human life on the altar of their profits. With all those who hide that the womb that gives birth to the acute problems of workers, men and women, inequality, is the exploitation of man by man.

With those Calling for “feminist unity” and “gender strikes”, dead ends for the struggle of working women. 8 th of March 1857 shows today the path that the working women and men should walk today. It is the path of the strengthening of the class-oriented trade unions, against the alienation promoted by the trade unions that are controlled by the employers and governments.

The path to strength the fight based on their contemporary needs. For stable and permanent work, full working rights, and Collective Agreements with raises in wages. For public free universal compulsory social insurance.For health and safety in workplaces.For public and free healthcare for all. It is the path of struggle to break the chains of silence, of exploitation, of inequality.



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