PAME Greece- 2 October- Massive Strike Response (VIDEO-PHOTOS)

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The class trade unions of Greece, thousands of workers from all sectors responded to the call of PAME and held a new massive National General Strike on the 2nd of October against the measures of the government that attack wages, Collective Agreements, trade union rights and freedoms and the right to strike

Since early morning, across Greece and in every sector, the trade unions and Federations fought for the success of the strike with militant picket lines outside of factories, banks and other workplaces.

Thousands of strikers across Greece rallied  to defend the right to strike, the right that workers will decide what will be the content of their struggle, what will be their demands, when and how they will fight. With dozens of Strike rallies across Greece they send the message that they will continue the struggle.

With Flags and banners they sent a message against Fascism, Xenophobia and Racism, on the occassion of the International Action Day of WFTU.

At the same time members of PAME carried out a militant protest against the auction of a poor family’s home from the banks. Despite the Government and Bankers’ attempt to attack the workers protest with riot police and chemicals , PAME’s forces blocked the auction.

We call the trade unions to strengthen their struggle, their collective procedures, to reach every workplace, in every sector, to take militant initiatives in order to continue their fight.

For Photos from the Strike Action and Demonstrations click at the picture


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