PAME Denounces Violent Attack Against Workers-Strikers In Turkey

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PAME denounces the violent crackdown on strikers during a protests today in Ankara, Turkey, as well as the arrest of Ali Rıza Küçükosmanoğlu, PC Member of the WFTU and other workers.
Workers with the Nakliyat-İş Union , a member of the WFTU, have today mobilized a to demand from Norm-Altaş, a contractor in the Çankaya municipality, to comply with their Collective Agreement and re-employ 12 workers made redundant as a result of their trade union action. Protesting employees entered the City Hall building demanding the satisfaction of their fair demands. The municipal authority responded by using repression, chemical and arrested workers.
If Tsipras today gave lessons to Erdogan about how the police are attacking the demonstrations in Greece or the opposite we do not know. But there is common repression and attack against the workers and peoples’ movement in Greece and Turkey. Governments serve business’ profits and attack workers’ rights.
We demand the immediate release of all workers and the satisfaction of their fair demands.


European Conference of WFTU, January 28-30

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