PAME Denounces the civil requisition against Portuguese Workers

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PAME denounces of the Portuguese Government’s imposition of civil requisition of drivers in Portuguese road transport, as well as the use of police and armed forces as a strike breaking mechanism.

Portugal’s truck drivers are on strike demanding the signing of a new Collective Agreement and substantial increases to the basic wage that currently stands at €630. Supporting employers directly, the Portuguese Government has imposed a civil requisition to attack the strike and workers’ rightful demands.

Across Europe, business groups, the EU and governments are attacking trade unionism and workers’ action. They are attempting to undermine and ban the right of workers to go on strike.

Their aim is to ensure the profitability of businesses, the crushing of workers’ demands, to stop the resistance and struggles of workers, to impose silence and modern slavery in the workplaces.

In the face of authoritarianism and repression, the workers have the weapon of solidarity, class oriented, collective organization and action.

We denounce the Portuguese Government for attacking workers’ struggles and demands and we express the solidarity of the Greek class union movement with the just struggle of Portuguese road transport workers.


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