PAME supports the function of the Shortwave Broadcasting Center and its employees

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PAME and the Maritime Union PEMEN held a meeting with the employees of the National Radio-TV Broadcasting Company (ERT) at the Shortwave Broadcasting Center in Avlida.

The employees informed the delegation about the intentions of the Management of ERT, about the closure of the facilities and the abolition of the “Voice of Greece”, which broadcasts through shortwaves and addresses to the 14 million Greek expatriates in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and , the thousands of maritime workers on seagoing ships and transport workers traveling in Europe.

The management of ERT in the directions of the government of ND, does not proceed to the modernization of the facilities, which are of strategic importance in conditions of geopolitical crises and the frequency of the shortwaves cannot be prevented, as can happen with the internet or satellite transmission. .

The ND government, applying the same tactics of the previous governments for public enterprises, invokes the “cost” to undermine and lead to the closure of the shortwave facilities.

It is a provocation that instead of utilizing for the benefit of the technical needs of ERT the 1,100 acres, where the three transmitters and the appropriate antenna systems are installed, giving the possibility of global coverage, part of the area has been given for agricultural crops without any precautionary measures of the installation!!!

We call on the Federations and the unions to denounce the tactics of the Management of ERT, to express their solidarity with the employees of the Shortwave Broadcasting Center in Avlida, who demand the modernization of the facilities and against the abolition of the shortwave broadcasts.


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