PAME Condolences for the death of George Gotsis

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PAME and the class unions of Greece express their sadness for the death of the veteran militant, immigrant unionist George Gotsis, who died at dawn on April 13, while hospitalized in Sydney, Australia.

George Gotsis was for many years a member of the international dock workers movement, leader of hard class clashes at the port of Sydney, Australia, where he had migrated in 1960 because of his persecution in Greece. He had been in the forefront all these years and supported great maritime strikes, contributed decisively to the struggle against the military junta in Greece, defended the rights of Greek ship workers and Australian dock workers. He was the leader of the Atlas Labor League of Greek Migrants, in the claims of Greek immigrants in Australia to secure their rights against discrimination and racism. For his action, the Australian state refused for years to give him Australian nationality. He was distinguished for his international solidarity and support for the struggles and action of the World Federation of Trade Unions. Despite his advanced age, he developed unique action in supporting and developing Solidarity with the struggles of the working class of Greece and PAME against the memorandums and anti-workers’ policies imposed in Greece in recent years. Both in practice and with his experience and advice. His statements about PAME are characteristic:

“PAME is on the right path and with its action and class orientation it contributes to the Greek working class, but also to the international working class”

While summing up the experience of years of trade union action he had said:

“The worker, has no power on his own. It’s not enought to be the most courageous. No matter how courageous you are, you can not do anything on your own. And those who are courageous inside the workplaces are those who have the power of the union. “

Giorgos Gotsis leaves a great heritage to the International workers’ Movement. His struggles and action will be our guide.

PAME expresses its warm condolences to his family and his comrades.






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