PAME Condemns Oppression Against the Fighting Teachers of Mexico

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PAME that represents the class trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity to the fighting people of Mexico, we salute the mobilizations of the teachers of Mexico and we condemn the murders and oppression against the militant workers.

The antiworkers, anti-educational measures of the Mexican Government, aiming the further subjugation of education and the teachers under the logic of profits, of the markets, of exploitation, is the cause of the many day mobilizations of the teachers the last period. This policy wants the poor uneducated, and the teachers to become agitators of an unjust system of poverty and misery. Proof of the rottenness of the exploitative system are the murderous attacks of the Mexican Government against the workers who fight for their rights and the education of their children.

PAME condemns the oppression and the murders of militant workers. The class trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity with the workers of Mexico and the trade union organizations, members and friends of WFTU, who are at the frontline of the struggle.


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