ALL WORKERS MILITANT FRONT (PAME) was founded on 3 April 1999, in “Peace and Friendship Stadium” has its seat in Athens and its Central Offices are 5b Ag. Filotheis, street.
PAME is an open, wide, uniting, democratic trade-union front of employees and workers, seeking to have in its lines the most alive, fighting forces of the working trade-union movement. It has Pan-Hellenic characteristics and puts weight in all branches and sectors of production without exception. It is organized in all branches and all workplaces.
Who participates in PAME:
In PAME participate :
A. Branch Federations of Workers, Employees and Pensioners.
B. Working Centres.
C. First degree Unions
D. Struggle Committees of workers, employees and coordinative committees.
The trade-union organisations can adhere or withdraw from PAME upon decisions of their bodies.
Aims of PAME
The aims of PAME, set during the Pan-Hellenic Conference on April 3rd 1999 with the participation of 230 first-degree unions, 18 branch and regional unions and 2.500 elected unionists are
Defense of rights and conquests of the Labor Class against anti-worker policies of Governments, the Capital and the European Union.
Defense of the popular movement’s struggle for national independency, peace, friendship and solidarity against imperialism, monopolies and multinationals.
Promotion and propagation of principles, morals and the militant culture within the lines of the workers’ trade union movement.
Enhancement of the line of class struggle and battle as the basic tools for demanding solutions for the prompt, mid-term and strategic issues for the working class until its liberation.
Cooperation and coordination with the poor farmers, self-employed and craftsmen since their interests are close to the objectives and interests of the working class.
Cooperation and development of relationships and close ties with union organizations and movements in Europe and all over the World which accept and follow the principle of Class Struggle.
Revelation of the role of government and employers’ unionism, confrontation and rupture with the line of subordination, consent and “co-administration” that enfeeble the trade unions and make them accomplices of politics applied against the popular strata.
The income of PAME depends on contributions and financial aids of all trade-union organisations that participate to PAME, as well as economic campaigns, cultural and artistic activities.
The Financial management is done by the Treasurer who must be a member of the Executive Secretariat.
The bodies of PAME
A. The Pan-Hellenic Conference constitutes the leading body and is convened every three years from the Secretariat. In the Pan-Hellenic Conference the Report is presented and the main lines for the action of PAME are decided.
B. The Pan-Hellenic Coordinative Committee is elected by the Pan-Hellenic Conference, is composed by 121 members and has the responsibility for the course of PAME. It meets in regular time intervals not longer than five months.
C. The Executive Secretariat has responsibility of the staff, co-ordination, guidance and control of work on a daily base. It meets once a month and exceptionally whenever necessary. The decisions of Secretariat are taken on the principle of UNANIMITY and it is composed by 25 members.
PAME after decision of its Executive Secretariat has formed the following Secretariats:
The composition of those Secretariats can vary depending on actual needs.
Committee of Finances
During the Pan-Hellenic Conference, held every three years, a Committee of Finances consist of 5 members is elected. This Committee is responsible for auditing the financial administration carried by the Treasurer of PAME.
The Committee of Finances makes a report with proposals and remarks every six months and hands it over to the Executive Secretariat.
Article 8
PAME upon decision of the Pan-Hellenic Coordinating Committee adheres to or withdraws from International Organizations and fora. Wherever it participates it follows the line of International Solidarity and Internationalism among the Global Working Class against imperialists and human exploitation.
Article 9
PAME celebrates May 1st each year as Labor Day.
Article 10
Whatever is not mentioned in this Memorandum is regulated upon decision of the Pan-Hellenic Coordinating Committee. These decisions are binding for all central bodies of PAME as well as regional bodies.